Sompo Stories


Our path of sustainable growth to 2030

This is the Sompo Group's growth strategy of sustainably increasing profits and market capitalization, while creating a future of health, wellbeing and financial protection for everyone we serve.

Promoting disaster preparedness through WE ACTION

Japan's pro women footballers helped us engage children in a fun way, learning about disaster preparedness and protecting oneself in emergencies.

Femtech promises a brighter future for women

Discover Japan’s pioneering Femtech service that supports work-life balance among women and creates more inclusive work environments.

The challenges start-ups encounter in the space industry

The global space industry, now driven by private companies, is projected to exceed 1 trillion dollars by 2040. Sompo Japan offers consulting and space insurance services, supporting start-ups and companies entering the space business.
The Sompo Group is a global leader in insurance and caregiving. And Sompo Stories is our storytelling platform that attempts to capture the essence of our journey—and that of our customers and partners—as we strive for a future of health, wellbeing and financial protection.
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