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How Digital Technologies are Transforming Elderly Healthcare

The integration of advanced technology and digital enhancements in elderly care services has significantly improved the quality of life of aging seniors. However, it has also had a substantial impact on both informal and formal caregivers.

Tackling Aging and Long-Term Healthcare

In 2017, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released a whitepaper on the financial predicament we’re facing with increased longevity: “We’ll Live to 100 – How can we Afford it?”

Aging & Elderly Care in Japan and the US

This article from TIME, in partnership with Sompo Holdings, highlights the challenges and innovative solutions in elderly care in the US and Japan. Both countries are adapting to demographic changes, with Japan in particular leveraging digital advancements to enhance healthcare and elderly services

Coping with the Realities of Living Longer

We are all fortunate to be living in an age where living longer is a reality. Part of being prepared for an elderly life is understanding that we have the opportunity to add healthy and fruitful years to our longer lives.

Solutions for a Quickly Graying Planet

Nursing Care RDP (Real Data Platform) is making the nursing care industry more sustainable. See how in this article on The Wall Street Journal.
2023 Jan Print

Which agenda will the leaders take on in this fragmented world?

Cooperation is the key. By working with scientists, researchers, and technology innovators from new and established firms, we have been able to deliver better elder care with fewer staff and at significant savings.

Real Solutions Require Cooperation

In an increasingly fragmented world, the leaders gathering at Davos must bring us together to solve society’s problems.

Lessons in Longevity: How Aging and Wellbeing Can Go Hand in Hand

We are on the cusp of a generational change in healthy aging and longevity of life. Getting it right now matters for a number of reasons.

Can Generation Z Change How We Think About Wellbeing and Mental Health?

Despite, or perhaps because, youth suffer disproportionately from mental health issues, Generation Z are more likely to be open and talk about them.